- 110.
The Davenport-Heilbronn method: 80 years on
Submitted, 2025.
- 109.
Solubility of a resultant equation and applications (with S. Chan)
- 108.
Bounds on the exceptional set in the abc conjecture (with J.D. Lichtman and J. Teräväinen)
- 107.
Pairs of commuting integer matrices (with W. Sawin and V.Y. Wang)
- 106.
Counting integer points on affine surfaces with a side condition
(with M. Verzobio)
- 105.
Optimal sums of cubes in
(with J. Glas and V.Y. Wang)
- 104.
Integral points on cubic surfaces: heuristics and numerics (with F. Wilsch)
- 103.
Rational curves on complete intersections and the circle method (With P. Vishe and S. Yamagishi)
- 102.
Strong divisibility sequences and sieve methods (with M. Verzobio)
Mathematika 70 (2024), Paper No. e12269, 26 pp.
- 101.
Sums of three cubes over a function field (with J. Glas and V.Y. Wang)
- 100.
Almost all quadratic twists of an elliptic curve have no integral points (with S. Chan)
- 99.
Paucity of rational points on fibrations with multiple fibres (with J. Lyczak and A. Smeets)
Algebra & Number Theory, to appear.
- 98.
Square-free values of random polynomials (with I. Shparlinski)
J. Number Theory 261 (2024), 220-240.
- 97.
A motivic circle method (with M. Bilu)
- 96.
Generalised quadratic forms over totally real number fields
(with L.B. Pierce and D. Schindler)
J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 23 (2024), 2859-2912.
- 95.
Bateman-Horn, polynomial Chowla and the Hasse principle with probability 1 (with E. Sofos and J. Teräväinen)
- 94.
Density of rational points on some quadric bundle threefolds (with D. Bonolis and Z. Huang)
Math. Annalen
390 (2024), 4123-4207.
- 93.
Revisiting the Manin-Peyre conjecture for the split del Pezzo surface of degree 5
New York J. Math. 28 (2022), 1193-1229.
- 92.
Local solubility for a family of quadrics over a split quadric surface (with J. Lyczak and R. Sarapin)
Involve 16 (2023), 331-342.
- 91.
Cubic forms and the circle method
Progress in Math. 343, Birkhäuser, 2021
- 90.
Equidistribution and freeness on Grassmannians (with T. Horesh and F. Wilsch)
Algebra & Number Theory 16 (2022), 2385-2407.
- 89.
Uniform bounds for rational points on hyperelliptic fibrations
(with D. Bonolis)
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. 24 (2023), 173-204.
- 89a.
Corrigendum for "Uniform bounds for rational points on hyperelliptic fibrations"
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. 24 (2023), 2501-2504.
- 88.
The Hasse principle for random Fano hypersurfaces
(with P. Le Boudec and W. Sawin)
Annals of Math. 197 (2023), 1115-1203.
- 87.
The geometric sieve for quadrics
(with D.R. Heath-Brown)
Forum Math. 33 (2021), 147-165.
- 86.
Free rational points on smooth hypersurfaces
(with W. Sawin)
Comment. Math. Helv.
95 (2020), 635-659.
- 85.
Arithmetic of higher-dimensional orbifolds and a mixed Waring problem (with S. Yamagishi)
Math. Zeit. 299 (2021), 1071-1101.
- 84.
Free rational curves on low degree hypersurfaces and the circle method
(with W. Sawin)
Algebra & Number Theory 17 (2023), 719-748.
- 83.
Counting rational points on biquadratic hypersurfaces
(with L.Q. Hu)
Advances Math. 349 (2019), 920-940.
- 82.
Density of rational points on a quadric bundle in
P3x P3 (with D.R. Heath-Brown)
Duke Math. J.
169 (2020), 3099-3165
- 81.
Counting rational points on quadric surfaces (with D.R. Heath-Brown)
Discrete Analysis 2018:15, 29 pp.
- 80.
A geometric version of the circle method
(with W. Sawin)
Annals of Math. 191 (2020), 893-948.
- 79.
Averages of arithmetic functions over principal ideals (with E. Sofos)
Int. J. Number Theory 15 (2019), 547-567.
- 78.
Sieving rational points on varieties (with D. Loughran)
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 371 (2019), 5757-5785.
- 77.
Many cubic surfaces have rational points
63 (2017), 818-839.
- 76.
Rational curves on smooth hypersurfaces of low degree (with
P. Vishe)
Algebra & Number Theory
11 (2017), 1657-1675.
- 75.
Counting rational points on quartic del Pezzo surfaces with a rational
(with E. Sofos).
Math. Annalen 373
- 74.
Twisted Linnik implies optimal covering exponent for
S3 (with V. Kumaraswamy and
R. Steiner)
2019, no. 1, 140-164.
- 73.
Power-free values of polynomials on symmetric varieties (with
A. Gorodnik)
Proc. London Math. Soc. 114 (2017), 1044-1080.
- 72.
How often does the Hasse principle hold?
Algebraic Geometry: Salt Lake City 2015,
Proc. Symposia Pure Math.
97.2 (2018), AMS, 89-102.
- 71.
Square-free values of reducible polynomials
(with A. Booker); (see extended
Discrete Analysis 2016:8, 16pp.
- 70.
A transference approach to a Roth-type theorem in the squares
(with S. Prendiville)
IMRN 2017, no. 7, 2219-2248.
- 69.
Strong approximation and a conjecture of Harpaz and Wittenberg
(with D. Schindler)
2019, no. 14, 4340-4369.
- 68.
Failures of weak approximation in families
(with M. Bright and D. Loughran)
Compositio Math. 152 (2016), 1435-1475.
- 67.
Rational points on cubic hypersurfaces over
(with P. Vishe)
GAFA 25 (2015), 671-732.
- 66.
The proportion of failures of the Hasse norm principle
(with R. Newton)
Mathematika 62 (2016), 337-347.
- 65.
Counting rational points on the Cayley ruled cubic
(with R. de la Bretèche and P. Salberger)
Eur. J. Math. 2 (2016), 55-72.
- 64.
Forms in many variables and differing degrees
(with D.R. Heath-Brown)
J. Eur. Math. Soc. 9 (2017), 357-394.
- 63.
Improvements in Birch's theorem on forms in many variables (with
S. Prendiville)
Journal reine angew. Math. 731
(2017), 203-234.
- 62.
A survey of applications of the circle method to rational points
Arithmetic and geometry,
London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser. 420 (2015), CUP, 89-113.
- 61.
Effective Ratner theorem for ASL(2,R) and gaps in √n modulo
1 (with I. Vinogradov)
J. London Math. Soc. 94 (2016), 61-84.
- 60.
Varieties with too many rational points
(with D. Loughran)
Math. Zeit. 285 (2017), 1249-1267.
- 59.
Counting rational points on del Pezzo surfaces with a conic bundle structure
(with M. Swarbrick Jones)
Acta Arithmetica 163 (2014), 271-298.
- 58.
Rational points on intersections of cubic and quadric hypersurfaces
(with R. Dietmann and D.R. Heath-Brown)
J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 14 (2015), 703-749.
- 58a.
Corrigendum for "Rational points on intersections of cubic and quadric hypersurfaces"
J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 14 (2015), 751.
- 57.
Norm forms for arbitrary number fields as products of linear
polynomials (with L. Matthiesen)
Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. 50 (2017), 1375-1438.
- 56.
The polynomial sieve and equal sums of like
IMRN 2015 (2015), 1987-2019.
- 56a.
Corrigendum for "The polynomial sieve and equal sums of like
IMRN 2024 (2024), 10165-10168.
- 55.
Pairs of diagonal quadratic forms and linear correlations
among sums of two squares (with R. Munshi)
Forum Math. 27 (2015), 2025-2050.
- 54.
Contre-exemples au principe de Hasse pour certains tores coflasques (with R. de la Bretèche)
J. Théorie Nombres Bordeaux 26
(2014), 25-44.
- 53.
Rational points on pencils of conics and quadrics with many degenerate fibres
(with L. Matthiesen and A. Skorobogatov)
Annals of Math. 180 (2014), 381-402.
- 52.
Cubic hypersurfaces and a version of the circle method for number fields
(with P. Vishe)
Duke Math. J. 163 (2014), 1825-1883.
- 51.
Density of Châtelet surfaces failing the Hasse principle
(with R. de la Bretèche)
Proc. London Math. Soc.
108 (2014), 1030-1078.
- 50.
Incomplete Kloosterman sums and multiplicative inverses in short
(with A. Haynes)
Int. J. Number Theory 9 (2013), 481-486.
- 49.
Quadratic polynomials represented by norm forms
(with D.R. Heath-Brown)
GAFA 22 (2012), 1124-1190.
- 48.
Rational points on singular intersections of quadrics
(with R. Munshi)
Compositio Math. 149 (2013), 1457-1494.
- 47.
Sums of three squareful numbers
(with K. Van Valckenborgh)
Experimental Mathematics 21 (2012), 204-211.
- 46.
Inhomogeneous quadratic congruences
(with S. Baier)
Functiones et Approximatio 47 (2012), 267-286.
- 45.
Averages of shifted convolutions of d3(n)
(with S. Baier, G. Marasingha and L. Zhao)
Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 55 (2012), 551-576.
- 44.
Inhomogeneous cubic congruences and
rational points on del Pezzo surfaces
(with S. Baier)
Journal reine angew. Math. 680 (2013), 69-151.
- 43.
Power-free values of polynomials
Arch. Math. 96 (2011), 139-150.
- 42.
Binary forms as sums of two squares and Châtelet
surfaces (with R. de la Bretèche)
Israel J. Math. 191 (2012), 973-1012.
- 41.
The divisor problem for binary cubic forms
J. Théorie Nombres Bordeaux 23 (2011), 579-602.
- 40.
The Lang-Weil estimate for cubic hypersurfaces
Canad. Math. Bull. 56 (2013), 500-502.
- 39.
On Manin's conjecture for a family of Châtelet
surfaces (with R. de la Bretèche and
E. Peyre)
Annals of Math. 175 (2012), 297-343.
- 38.
The number of representations of rationals as a sum of unit fractions (with C. Elsholtz)
Illinois J. Math. 55 (2011), 685-696.
- 37.
Least zero of a cubic form
(with R. Dietmann and P.D.T.A. Elliott)
Math. Annalen 352 (2011), 745-778.
- 36.
arithmetic of projective varieties
Progress in Math. 277, Birkhäuser, 2009.
- 35.
Linear growth for Châtelet surfaces
Math. Annalen 346 (2010), 41-50.
- 34.
Manin's conjecture for quartic del Pezzo surfaces with a
conic fibration (with R. de la Bretèche)
Duke Math. J. 160 (2011), 1-69.
- 33.
Le problème des diviseurs pour des formes binaires de
degré 4 (with R. de la Bretèche)
Journal reine angew. Math.
646 (2010), 1-44.
- 32.
Rational points on cubic hypersurfaces that
split off a form
Compositio Math. 146 (2010),
- 31.
Manin's conjecture for a cubic surface with D_5 singularity (with U. Derenthal)
IMRN 14 (2009),
- 30.
Manin's conjecture for a quartic del Pezzo surface with
A_4 singularity (with U. Derenthal)
Ann. Inst. Fourier 59 (2009),
- 29.
Recent progress on the quantitative arithmetic of del
Pezzo surfaces
Proceedings of the 5th China-Japan Number Theory Conference
(Osaka, 27-31 August 2008), World
Scientific (2010), 1-19.
- 28.
Solubility of Fermat equations (with R. Dietmann)
Quadratic forms - algebra, arithmetic and geometry,
Contemporary Math. 493 (2009), 99-106.
- 27.
Binary linear forms as sums of two squares (with
R. de la
Compositio Math. 144 (2008),
- 26.
Rational points on quartic hypersurfaces (with
D.R. Heath-Brown)
Journal reine angew. Math.
629 (2009), 37-88.
- 25.
Integral points on cubic hypersurfaces (with
D.R. Heath-Brown)
Analytic Number Theory: Essays in honour of Klaus
Roth, CUP (2009), 75-90.
- 24.
On the representation of integers by quadratic forms
(with R. Dietmann)
Proc. London Math. Soc. 96
(2008), 389-416.
- 23.
Counting rational points on cubic hypersurfaces
Mathematika 54 (2007), 93-112.
- 23a.
Corrigendum for "Counting rational points on cubic hypersurfaces"
Mathematika 60 (2014), 101-107.
- 22.
On Manin's conjecture for singular del Pezzo surfaces of
degree four, II (with R. de la Bretèche)
Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.
143 (2007), 579-605.
- 21.
An overview of Manin's conjecture for del Pezzo surfaces
Analytic number theory - A tribute to Gauss and
(Goettingen, 20th June - 24th June, 2005), Clay
Mathematics Proceedings 7 (2007), 39-56.
- 20.
Density of integer solutions to diagonal quadratic
Monatsh. Math. 152 (2007), 13-38.
- 19.
On Manin's conjecture for a certain singular cubic
surface (with R. de la Bretèche and U. Derenthal)
Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. 40 (2007), 1-50.
- 18.
Simultaneous equal sums of three powers (with D.R. Heath-Brown)
Proc. of the session on Diophantine geometry
(Pisa, 1st April - 30th July, 2005), CRM series
4 (2007), 93-100.
- 17.
On Manin's conjecture for singular del Pezzo surfaces of degree four,
I (with R. de la Bretèche)
Michigan Math. J.
55 (2007), 51-80.
- 16.
Sums of arithmetic functions over values of binary
forms (with R. de la Bretèche)
Acta Arith.
125 (2006), 291-304.
- 15.
The density of rational points on non-singular
hypersurfaces, II (with D.R. Heath-Brown)
Proc. London Math. Soc.
93 (2006), 273-303.
- 14.
The density of rational points on a certain singular cubic surface
J. Number Theory 119 (2006), 242-283.
- 13.
The density of rational points on
non-singular hypersurfaces, I (with D.R. Heath-Brown)
Bull. London Math. Soc. 38 (2006), 401-410.
- 12.
Counting rational points on algebraic
varieties (with D.R. Heath-Brown and P. Salberger)
Duke Math. J. 132 (2006), 545-578.
- 11.
Equal sums of like polynomials
Bull. London Math. Soc. 37 (2005), 801-808.
- 10.
Counting rational points on
hypersurfaces (with D.R. Heath-Brown)
Journal reine angew. Math. 584
(2005), 83-115.
- 9. H. Davenport,
Analytic methods for Diophantine equations and
Diophantine inequalities
2nd ed., edited and
prepared for publication by T.D. Browning. CUP, 2005.
- 8.
Plane curves in boxes and equal sums
of two powers (with D.R. Heath-Brown)
Math. Zeit. 251 (2005), 233-247.
- 7.
Equal sums of three powers (with D.R. Heath-Brown)
Invent. Math. 157 (2004), 553-573.
- 6.
Counting rational points on del Pezzo surfaces of degree
Session on analytic
number theory and Diophantine equations, Bonn. Math. Schrift. 360 (2003).
- 5.
Sums of four biquadrates
Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 134 (2003),
- 4.
Counting rational points on cubic and quartic
Acta Arith. 108 (2003), 275-295.
- 3.
A note on the distribution of rational points on
Quart. J. Math. 54 (2003), 33-39.
- 2.
Counting rational points on
diagonal quadratic surfaces
Quart. J. Math. 54 (2003), 11-31.
- 1. Equal sums of two kth
J. Number Theory 96 (2002), 293-318.