Regular meetings
Conferences organised
- [2025] Full circle: 100 years of the circle method, IML, Stockholm.
- [2024] Enumerative geometry and arithmetic, Lorentz Centre, Leiden.
- [2023] Heath-Brown@70, Oxford.
- [2021] Skorobogatov 60, IHP, Paris.
- [2021] Arithmetic statistics and local-global principles, ESI, Vienna.
- [2021] Geometry via arithmetic, Banff, Canada.
- [2019]
Points rationnels sur les variétés de Fano ou similaires, IHP, Paris.
- [2018]
Rational points in Bristol, Bristol.
Rational and integral points via analytic and geometric methods, Oaxaca.
Where geometry meets number
theory, Gothenberg.
Recent developments in analytic number theory, MSRI.
- [2016]
BrOx, Oxford.
Quantitative arithmetic geometry,
Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm.
Rational and integral points on higher-dimensional varieties,
Synergies and vistas in analytic number theory,
Interactions of birational geometry with other fields,
Density of rational and integral points, Ein Geidi, Israel.
- [2009]
Arithmetic and algebraic geometry, Bristol.
- [2007]
Diophantine equations via analytic number theory, Bristol.
Some past conferences
- [2025] Diophantine and rationality problems, Sofia
- [2025]
Stellenbosch number theory conference, Stellenbosch
- [2024] Circle method and related topics, ICTS, Bangalore
- [2024] Visions in arithmetic & beyond: celebrating
Sarnak's work and impact, IAS, Princeton
- [2024] Arithmetic geometry, group actions and rationality problems, Simons Foundation, New York
- [2024] Analytic number theory, Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm.
- [2024] New
directions in rational points, Chennai.
- [2023] Workshop on Arithmetic and Algebra of Rational Points (WAARP), Bristol.
- [2023] BMC 2023, Bath.
- [2022] Analytic number theory, Oberwolfach.
- [2022] MAGNTS, Chicago.
- [2022] Geometry of arithmetic statistics, Schloss Elmau.
- [2022] Rényi 100, Budapest.
- [2022]
Journée arithmétique du LAGA, Paris 13.
- [2022] Rational points on higher-dimensional varieties, ICMS, Edinburgh.
- [2022] BJB90, Bristol.
- [2021] Swinnerton-Dyer memorial conference, Newton Institute, Cambridge.
- [2021] The circle method: entering its second century, HCM, Bonn.
- [2021]
Balu Fest, online.
- [2021] Number theory: rational points, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm.
- [2020] Modern breakthroughs in Diophantine problems, Banff, Canada.
- [2019] Analytic number theory, Oberwolfach.
- [2019] ÖMG Conference 2019, Dornbin, Austria.
- [2019] Topics in rational and integral points, Basel, Switzerland.
- [2019] Reinventing rational points, IHP, Paris.
- [2019] Higher-dimensional arithmetic geometry, Kumamoto, Japan.
- [2019]
Winter school on Trace functions and
their applications, Monte Veritá.
- [2018]
N-CUBE Days IX, Lund.
- [2018]
Analytic number theory and Diophantine geometry, Shanghai.
- [2018] Rational points on
Schiermonnikoog, Schiermonnikoog Island.
- [2018]
Perspectives on the Riemann Hypothesis, Bristol.
- [2017] Conference on algebraic geometry and number theory, Florence.
- [2017] Diamant symposium, Breukelen.
- [2017] Rational points and Zariski-density, Copenhagen.
- [2017] Diophantine
Problems, Manchester.
- [2017] Analytic number theory, MSRI.
- [2017] Height
zeta functions and rational points, UIC, Chicago.
- [2016] Analytic number theory, Oberwolfach.
- [2016] Fields
medal symposium, Toronto.
- [2016] Rational
points and algebraic geometry, CIRM, Luminy.
- [2016]
ELAZ 2016, Strobl am Wolfgangsee, Austria.
- [2016]
BMC 2016, Bristol.
- [2016]
Number theory and function fields at the crossroads, Exeter.
- [2016]
Rationality questions, Bristol.
Analytic number theory and Diophantine geometry,
Algebraic Geometry 2015,
Salt Lake City.
29th Journées Arithmétiques,
Joint BMC/BAMC Meeting,
Analytic number theory,
New developments in algebraic geometry,
Frontiers of rationality,
ELEFANT: analytic number theory workshop,
Analytic Number Theory,
Analytic number theory conference in honour of Fouvry,
Rational points - geometric, analytic and explicit approaches,
Arithmetic and geometry,
Diophantine geometry,
Cohomological methods in arithmetic geometry,
- [2011]
Diophantine methods and arithmetic of quadratic
forms, Banff.
GANT: initial instructional workshop,
Centre Bernoulli, Lausanne.
- [2010]
Exponential sums over finite fields and applications, ETH, Zurich.
- [2010]
Arithmetic of surfaces, Lorentz Center, Leiden.
- [2010]
Analytic and combinatorial number theory, IMS, Chennai.
- [2009]
International conference on analytic number theory, TIFR, Mumbai.
Diophantine equations,
- [2008]
CNTA X, Waterloo.
- [2006]
Analytic methods for Diophantine equations, Banff.
- [2004]
geometry, Goettingen.